Thunder Thighs and Barbells: My Weightlifting Story
As a young child, I always admired the muscular dudes in football uniform, hitting and crashing into one another. I thought they were superhuman and I thought that I wanted to be just like that: big and strong, and quite plainly- buff. I never saw anything wrong with it. I just wanted to be strong. Then the pressure of society weighed in on the very impressionable and vulnerable mind of a thirteen year old girl and that's when my eating disorder controlled my life. I've mentioned before how I really got over my disorder, but what truly made me confident was a whole other thing entirely. Once I got to college, I would run a mile everyday on the track inside our campus gym, never really setting foot inside the weight room. I would always look in there and see all of these muscular gym guys bench pressing, or walking around in muscle shirts, giving out fist bumps to their guy friends and hitting on the girls brave enough to actually go in there and workout on the machines or fr...