This Just In: YOUR Miss Southeastern 2021

 January 22, 2021, I became Miss Southeastern Louisiana University 2021. Thirteen months of my life was poured into my university competition. It all paid off, I learned how become a title holder, but within this process, I learned what it meant to be a spokesperson for my cause. I learned how to be a voice for those who don't know how- or when to speak up. 

Being a title holder is going to be a lot, but being someone with a cause to back up is going to be even more responsibility, but I wouldn't have competed if I didn't believe I was prepared. I created this blog to share my story, and hopefully inspire others around the world to do the same and lower the stigma that surrounds counseling and recovery. To show that I support those who are willing to fight for a better tomorrow for themselves. 

My year of reign will consist of meetings, appearances, speeches, and talks with students, groups, organizations, and administration. I will meet with the Health Center, Counseling Center and the gym on campus to figure out how to further my social impact around campus. I will talk to the LAB school on campus as well to tell the children that feeling sad is normal. That they should talk to their parents or the adult in their life and hopefully they will understand and help the child. 

Support is important and I want to show people that I will always have their back. I always will- even when I give up my title to the next willing young woman to serve under the Miss Southeastern Crown. I pledge as Miss Southeastern 2021, to be candid, honest, persevering towards the goal of making sure everyone I come around will never feel like they are alone. 

My plan will unfold into my legacy as I go out and talk to organizations about the Lifter's Project. I have so many plans and thoughts to grow my platform, and I can't wait to see them play out. 

I didn't expect to become Miss Southeastern, I felt like I wasn't going to be because of how I felt I did in interview. But when I heard my name called, I felt my knees buckle, thoughts were nonexistent, tears flowed, and my hands shook. The weight of the crown is heavy, but I am ready to represent my university with pride, my social impact with love and care. 

Here I am, YOUR Miss Southeastern Louisiana University, Lily Catherine Gayle


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