Tis' the Season for Food: Holiday Foods don't Stop your Progress

 Now that holidays are over, I can now give my full attention to my blog. We have started the new year,  finally, it feels like forever ago that the whole entire world turned upside down. Hopefully it's on the up and up now. 

While the holidays were upon me, so were all of the holiday foods, desserts, cookies, eggnog, and hot chocolate. Being someone who works out on a daily basis, makes sure to get enough nutrients in my body to make sure I have the strength to lift the weights that I love to lift, having the gym closed was an absolute nightmare. 

I thought that I'd be okay, but in truth, I wasn't. I felt as if all of my social media was filled with girls in matching gym sets, at their open gyms, working out and making sure that they don't lose their gains. Honestly, I was a little jealous, and found myself poking at my stomach a whole lot more. Watching the videos and seeing the posts really made me self conscious about what I looked like. I eventually stopped piling my plate high with my favorite foods, I was afraid that all the hard work that I had been training for, was going all to waste because of one week and a half. 

It was only a short while ago that I realized that I was influenced by what I saw on social media and once I stepped away and reflected on myself and the beauty behind the reflection, that's when I realized that no matter what foods I ate, or the amount eggnog I drank, that I would be just fine. I have been working out since May of 2018, almost nonstop, so just one week of eating my favorite holiday foods, wasn't going to affect my muscle growth and progress.  I had to believe that. 

Not only did I have to realize that, but I also realized that everything on social media was staged, and not everyone looks that perfect. It's okay to be bloated, have an off day where you don't reach the PR max (which happened to me today, and I got mad). It's okay to want to eat 10 cookies in one sitting because cookies are GOOD! And it won't stop your progress, as long as it's only every once in a while. 

Life is meant to be enjoyed, cherished, laughed about. Don't waste your time by making sure that you are slim and trim. Workout because it makes you feel strong, confident, and beautiful. Workout to show people that strength equals empowerment. Go into this year, feeling empowered by your motivation to be your best self, and know that it's okay to have off days, because even the person who you think is the most perfect person on the planet, has bad days, off days, days where they don't want to change out of their sweat pants. 

I hope you all had a great Holiday break, and if guys every need me, or anything, let me know down in the comments. And if there's anything YOU want to hear from ME about, let me know, down below!


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