Dear Younger me: What I Wish Someone Told Me

 Dear Younger Me, 

Honestly, I don't know where to start. There are so many things that come to mind, but I guess I should start out simply and truthfully. Life isn't everything that the movies make it out to be. It isn't the fairytales that you read. Life is hard, real hard. You're going to go through so much- things you wouldn't even have thought of. You're going to cry, you're going to feel pain and there will be days where you feel like you can't make it any longer. This will go on for a few years. Your life will feel miserable.

There's a but in there, no worries. Within all these hard things, there are rainbows. There are days with snow flurries where you'll realize that everything will be alright. Life isn't all horrible, in it all, there will be beauty. You are strong, you are a one of a kind person- even if you feel like you are the most basic blonde headed girl in the room- you are someone special. You just don't realize it just yet. 

You still have to grow up. You still have to mature. And trust me, that part isn't fun, you'll get embarrassed by many things, you'll blush and you'll stay up thinking about how you wish you hadn't said something that way. You'll think you're abnormal, but trust me...every girl feels that way at your age. But those other girls won't do what you're going to do. 

You, my dear girl, are going to make a difference. You are going to survive. You will make the difference. Keep staying strong, you will put your mind to something and you will conquer it. Because girls are unstoppable. We are unconquerable. We are women. You will fall, you will get angry, sad- fight for your life, but trust me, stay with it just a little longer because it'll all be worth it. But here are a few things to keep in mind with this journey. 

1: Know your worth. No one knows how much you're worth unless you do. Know that you are worthy beyond measure

2: It's okay to be uncomfortable. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable because that means you will never have a comfort zone. 

3: It's okay to cry. Always be tough, but being a warrior means you know when to back away and let it out. Never hold it in, it will only hurt you.

4: Be kind. I know that you are, but be kind even when others are not. No matter what they do, always hug them around the neck. They will always deserve it.

5: There is never anything such as "too strong" for a girl. Don't listen to people when they say that you should be dainty. You should fierce, proper, and courageous. No one ever won a war being a flower. 

6: Never put your worth into outward beauty. Outward beauty is only the mirroring of what's on the inside. Focus on your attitude and your outward beauty will reflect your beautiful soul. Because the inward beauty will always show out, the outward beauty will always fade. 

7: Love others. This one is a hard one because people will make you mad. They will hurt you. But in the end, forgiveness and love are the main points of life that will get you through anything. People will always remember you for how loving you truly are. 

Dear younger me, you've got this in the bag. I've seen all you do and I am proud. You're a queen (literally), and remember... you ALWAYS have a voice.


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