I'm Toast: Feeling Burnt Out

Good morning on this beautiful June morning. I've been up since 4 am because I have started a new summer job at my local gym, taking the morning shifts that begin at 5:15 am. That being said, tired is understatement. Starting out, I was fine, and then my life turned upside down- more than it has been since I won the Miss Southeastern Crown. 

    Miss Louisiana is in in 13 days, so that means extra prep time, practices, buying things for so many people- including myself. And it doesn't stop there. My life is hectic, working two jobs, and then moving out of my old apartment into a new one within two days (it's still not done by the way, boxes are EVERYWHERE). I have several appearances in the next week and a half, appointments to get myself looking my best and last minute touches on talent. Waking up before the sun even comes up. It gets a little overwhelming sometimes. I look back on the school year and I ask myself: " how in the world did I manage everything that I did?" And honestly... it was God. I couldn't have done it without Him.

But now, it's crunch time. Competition week is upon us and I can't even believe that we are so close. It's a whole different life, apart from my normal life where I have bills, and jobs and social life. And sometimes the lines get blurred and everything gets put into the same mixing bowl and I can't distinguish one thing from the other and I just sit in the middle of the bed with boxes, bills and garment bags surrounding me and I don't know what to do. I just want to stop life and go live in the mountains somewhere! 

I feel like this because I am tired. Burnt out in some aspects. Especially when life isn't fun. Newsflash, Lily, it's not always fun! But if it was always fun, we would never have anything to look forward to. Being burnt out just means I have been running and running, not realizing that my gas light is on, I'm ten miles from a gas station and I am running on fumes.  As a titleholder, and anyone who wants to keep up with literally anything because you don't want to miss out, or you feel like you need to prove something, it's tiring to keep on that same loop. 

Being burnt out is normal, but I'm not saying normalize that feeling. It means, take a step back and look at everything you're doing and realize that it all is enough. No, you don't have to go workout today because you only had a thirty minute workout the other if you're not feeling well. No it doesn't mean that you have to stay up late because you don't feel like you did enough today. Realize that your body needs to rest. Have you eaten today? No? Go and get some food- yes, even if you already had lunch, your body needs the energy to thrive. 

Although it's normal, burn out doesn't have to be the norm. Pace yourself. I need to take my advice and know when to say no to people. But I don't because I want to experience everything I can, but sometimes it costs me my health, and mental health- and we all know that's not a good thing. Nothing is worth the stress of making life miserable. Your life may be hard, but don't make it harder on yourself because you want to push yourself to the breaking point. Yes, pushing and pushing yourself to the limit is great! Healthy even, but there is a fine line that is easily crossed if you're not paying attention. 

I'm writing this because I've dealt with burnout in the last few days because of how busy my life is. I didn't think it would be okay, but things continue to fall in place the way that they should. And as they do, I realize that everything is going according to God's plan for my life. So to help realize that, here are some things that I have done to help with burnout. 

1: Pray. This helps me so much because I am able to tell God everything going on in my head, just get it off my chest.

2: blare your favorite song and sing it at the top of your lungs. THIS is so freeing.  Not having a care in the world- just you and the song in the living room dancing and letting loose.

3: Go for a mind clearing walk. No. This does not mean an exercise. This is not a workout, it is meant to be something that helps you come back down from your stress and realize how beautiful nature is.

4:Reading my bible and journaling. This really helps me because it helps me see things in a different light. It also shows me that I am not alone in this race. 

5:Take an Epsom salt bath. Depending on the bath salts, some really are stress relieving. Put in a few bubble bath items, get a good candle going, turn out the lights and just relax. Music helps with this too. 

These are only a few things that have helped me and I hope that who ever reads this gets some good things out of all these things too. And remember, you are not alone in this world. I'm always here, no matter what, and I am proud of you and I love you. 


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