Food is My Best Friend: Coping with Food Anxiety

Christmas is known for the time of year, the traditions, the family get together, and wearing the festive sweaters and trying to make them look cute- even when you know that they aren't. Christmas was a little different for me this year. I actually loved the food. 

As a kid, I remember eating so much during Christmas. The pound cake, and the honey glazed ham. Like the ham that I ate until I literally was sick, wasn't my best move. But going through an eating disorder and relapsing, I lost the love for holiday food. Our holidays are built around food, the entire American Culture is. I remember in recent years that I would sometimes shy away from the food at gatherings, unless I would get smaller portions, or skip on what used to be my favorite foods. Those foods made me anxious and all I saw were the numbers, and not the memories. But now, they don't.

I caught myself going for seconds, seconds. I never used to do that. But now I do, and my food anxiety is almost gone. Yes, there are sometimes that I catch myself wanting to slim my portions, or not eat a meal, but that's changing slowly because now that I've been eating more, my lifts have gone up. I squat 135 now for reps like it's almost nothing. I hit 170 on deadlift twice last week, all because I am fueling my body. I am taking care of me, I've getting stronger, I can do more, my skin is looking healthier, and my mental health is the most stabilized it's ever been. It's an amazing journey. 

Holidays are meant to be enjoyed, and that doesn't mean you have to go all out and eat everything in sight, it just means pick the best parts and enjoy them. Here are some ways that I've been able to cope with food anxiety lately,

1: If there's healthier options, then go ahead and put those on your plate.
2: Keep a handle on the sweet stuff
3: if you know that there won't be any healthy options, be proactive! Go ahead and bring some of your favorite healthy treats.
4: Get an accountability partner, someone you can talk about because sometimes it's hard to do this on your own. 

These are ways that I've been able to get through my own food anxiety! If you need anything else, tips, advice or just a friend to talk to, follow me on social media at Lily_ofthe_valley18, (Instagram), @miss_southeastern21 (tiktok), TheMissSoutheastern2021 (twitter), and Lily Catherine Gayle (Facebook). 

And here's a pretty cool update: I won another title that will get me to the Miss Louisiana Stage: Miss Red River City 2022! I will be able to use this title to further my social impact initiative, The Lifter's Project: Worth Your Heartbeat and compete for the title of Miss Louisiana 2022! Make sure to follow my journey on all social media platforms and on here too! 


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