My Beginnings in a Nutshell

When I decided to begin this blog, I asked myself "what do I want to write about?" The answer was easy: getting my story out there. And helping people." I know, it sounds pretty cliche, but I have a feeling that my story will help at least someone out there, somewhere. 

I was born and bred in the swampy Pelican State of Louisiana. One would think that I stayed in Louisiana, since I am writing from my apartment IN Louisiana, but no. No less than a month after I turned three, we moved. My parents, me, my sister, my newly one-year old brother, a 16 year old poodle and 12 bins the size of  bathtubs full of our stuff to move the South America, Peru, to be exact.  No one ever expected that, but there we were, the only American family for cities, my parents barely knew any type of Spanish, and no true plan. 

You see, my dad was called to mission work and brought us all along. As a child, I was entranced by a new place, there were so many new adventures to be had and as the years went on, I never missed the States, I became fluent in the language and fell in love with the culture. We moved several times in the course of 5 years, ending up in the middle of the city of Piura, Peru and living above a Christian bookstore. Life was good, the three siblings grew into four with the addition of a surprise baby girl. I could have never asked for anything better. I wanted to stay there, my youth group was my family, being home-schooled was the life, and reading books was my way of vacation. 

I say all of these things, just to say that I was a shy, quiet, dorky, buck toothed girl who had an unhealthy obsession with horses. I was nothing insanely special, I was just me.  As I look back on those years, I see the little girl that I used to be, and I wish that I could have taken away the hardships that she would experience once she was older. I wish that she would have been a child a while longer, but that wasn't in God's plan. I hope that you join me in this journey to build and found my legacy. 

Welcome to Road to Legacy


  1. When my mother was dying in our home and I realized the person that loved me unconditionally would no longer be with me.
    That no longer will I ever say “Happy Mothers Day”.
    No longer will she surprise me with that special gift (wrapped so beautifully) thatI gave up thinking I would ever be able to have. No longer will I be able to wrap my arms around her and hug her or treat her to a special mother daughter lunch.
    No longer would one of my best friends, best teacher and greatest mentor be in my life.

    1. Rae of Sunshine, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Losing someone who was there for you your whole life is devastating. Thank you for commenting and telling me your story. God bless you!


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