Change: The One Thing People want, but Avoid

 Life. It's sometimes sucky. It's sometimes the greatest thing since sliced bread and Betty White. Other times, it's just plan awful and you want a restart button. Life changes constantly, and sometimes that's what makes it so horrible. 

Change can be anything. Change can be as small as changing what coffee cup you drink out of, or as big as your boyfriend graduating without you when you were supposed to graduate with him. Change is hard. 

That's where I'm at right now. My whole life feels like it's spiraling into something that I can't control- and usually I'm okay with that, but being a titleholder and becoming accustomed to having everything planned out literal months in advance and having everything done and prepared for has spoiled me. I know what's about to hit me. I know what's coming, and that's why nothing can catch me off guard and blindside me. But this... I was never prepared for this. I mean I thought I was. But I'm not. I've been one step ahead of the game this entire time. I've been the one that has things planned out, but not now.

I'm the one who feels like a chapter is closing- it's the end of our little storybook. College sweethearts that are now about to be in different steps of life. Him going into the real world, and me staying in college, going to compete for another crown that means I'd move away from him for a year. That's a huge change. 

Change is terrifying. Whenever I moved away from home into the dorms, it was scary. Every fight that was a step to being completely independent was scary. Every year that my degree progress changed was scary. Change is supposed to be that way BECAUSE you don't know what's next. And that's a beautiful thing. 

Life has too much to offer for us to be scared of what may come in the next year, the next month, the next twenty four hours. Change is a good thing. 

Change means that the next step of your life could be the greatest one that you take. My greatest moment of change was back in 2019 when I decided to competed for Miss Southeastern, unknowing to me that a year later I would hold that title and it change my life for good. Changing my major a few months into my freshman year would be one of the greatest changes of my life because it brought me to a passion and internship that I absolutely adore. Breaking up with the boyfriend from high school was hard, but my life changed whenever I began dating Jordan. 

Our storybook might be ending, but our novel is about to be written. My life trilogy is only in the preface. The crown and Miss Southeastern Title are only the first two sentences. When you think of it like that, change is a wonderful thing. Change means you are moving forward in more ways than you could ever imagine. Change is what you make it. Because face it...we are all changing...all the time.


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